Solutions to armed conflict
Solutions to armed conflict

The essential dynamic of terrorism is, of course, to advance a political cause through paralyzing fear and anxiety dispersed widely throughout a population. It is patently obvious that what terrorism and refugees share in common is the pall of protracted armed conflict and instability. These also happen to be the location of the major source countries for the world’s refugees. Of the 108 countries in which such attacks took place – more than half of the countries in the world – most of the terrorist attacks (87%) and deaths (97%) are concentrated geographically in the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Terrorism appears to be rampant and far reaching, with more than 13,400 terrorist attacks worldwide that resulted in more than 34,000 deaths in 2016 alone. Even in peaceful societies, the politics of fear is leading to dangerous polarization and demagoguery. From the global refugee crisis to the spread of terrorism, our collective failure to resolve conflict is giving birth to new threats and emergencies. The sharp uptick in war over recent years is outstripping our ability to cope with the consequences. The world is entering its most dangerous chapter in decades.

solutions to armed conflict

Reflecting on this point, it has been observed that, Both stem, unmistakably, from the same source, our “collective failure to resolve conflict” in the world today.

solutions to armed conflict

Two of the most pressing global concerns today are, undoubtedly, the escalating incidence of terrorism and the growing refugee crises. Simeon (York University) and Dr Sarah Singer (RLI), who will be co-chairing the upcoming Refugee Law Initiative Workshop on ‘Terrorism and Asylum’, to be held Friday 8 December 2017 in London.

Solutions to armed conflict